Addiction & Recovery Conversations with Brett Lovins

Time and Recovery - Reflections on 10 Years of Being Sober and My First AA Meeting

Brett Lovins Season 1 Episode 15

Taking some time to talk about time. Time in sobriety and recovery and my musings at my 10 year milestone (May 28, 2023). I also share some stories from early recovery around the concept of time, including a recounting of my first AA meeting, where a woman shared something that might have saved my life by keeping me there. 10 years sober... I couldn't go 5 days sober... I was passed out drunk every night for years. The progressive nature of the disease made those last years very difficult. Trying desperately to moderate while simultaneously accelerating. A terrible recipe.

For more information about Substance Use Disorder (SUD), Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), addiction, recovery, etc... consider visiting:

Other useful links from Brett:

  • Sober Curious Consulting - Brett's Recovery Friendly Workplace consulting business.
  • Brett's YouTube channel
  • Washington Recovery Alliance - building the capacity of the recovery community to advance substance use recovery and mental health wellness by catalyzing public understanding and shaping public policy in Washington State.
  • Recovery-Ready Workplace Toolkit - providing information, tools, and resources to help employers from all sectors—government, for-profit, non-profit, and not-for-profit—effectively prevent and respond to substance misuse in the workforce from the Department of Labor.
  • Data on SUD in the US (2022) - from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Link to my favorite PDF for statistics.
  • Addiction 101 - it’s not a moral failing—it’s a treatable illness. Get the facts about this misunderstood medical condition from my friends at Shatterproof.