Addiction & Recovery Conversations with Brett Lovins

Mary P. Ozanic Describes Being a Gutter Drunk and Discussions of The Bottom

Brett Lovins Season 1 Episode 18

Mary has described herself as a "gutter drunk" on many occasions in the meeting that we attend together. I asked her if she'd be willing to explore what that means and how bad it got for her during her active addiction. Along the way we also discuss "the bottom" as a concept as well several other things.

Please also be aware that the topic of suicide does come up in this conversation.

We also discuss the Jellinek Curve.

If you or someone you love wants more information about Substance Use Disorder and Addiction, here's an excellent place to look:

  • Washington Recovery Alliance - building the capacity of the recovery community to advance substance use recovery and mental health wellness by catalyzing public understanding and shaping public policy in Washington State.
  • Recovery-Ready Workplace Toolkit - providing information, tools, and resources to help employers from all sectors—government, for-profit, non-profit, and not-for-profit—effectively prevent and respond to substance misuse in the workforce. From the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Domestic Policy Council, and 12 federal departments and independent agencies.
  • Latest (2022) Data on SUD in the US - from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Link to my favorite PDF for statistics.
  • Addiction 101 - it’s not a moral failing—it’s a treatable illness. Get the facts about this misunderstood medical condition from my friends at Shatterproof.
  • Brett's website: