Addiction & Recovery Conversations with Brett Lovins

AA Alternatives: Jim Mick is Sober and Has Never Attended an AA Meeting

Brett Season 1 Episode 2

In this conversation, I'll be asking Jim Mick to share some of his recovery story. We cover many topics including his involvement with AA alternatives: LifeRing Recovery and Recovery Dharma. Additionally, Jim talks about a recovery program that we met in for musicians: MusiCares. And finally, where I got my start: Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). As I've mentioned before, I'm an Ambassador for the non-profit recovery organization, If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction (also known as Substance Use Disorder), the links above may be helpful. 

  • Washington Recovery Alliance - building the capacity of the recovery community to advance substance use recovery and mental health wellness by catalyzing public understanding and shaping public policy in Washington State.
  • Recovery-Ready Workplace Toolkit - providing information, tools, and resources to help employers from all sectors—government, for-profit, non-profit, and not-for-profit—effectively prevent and respond to substance misuse in the workforce. From the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Domestic Policy Council, and 12 federal departments and independent agencies.
  • Latest (2022) Data on SUD in the US - from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Link to my favorite PDF for statistics.
  • Addiction 101 - it’s not a moral failing—it’s a treatable illness. Get the facts about this misunderstood medical condition from my friends at Shatterproof.
  • Brett's website: